Only the Injecta technology allows
treatment under many different weather conditions and in challenging terrain. Targeting tree killing, with less chemical, than ever before, reducing your cost of doing business and your environmental footprint
Injecta 400 plus Di-Bak Capsules
Injecta 400: The Adama InJecta system has been designed specifically for use with Adama and Di-Bak capsulated products. The InJecta system provides a fast and efficient approach for the delivery of capsule products into tree stems.
Di-Bak G: For the control of woody weeds and unwanted trees in forestry, pasture, commercial, industrial, and public service areas. Di-Bak G capsules contain Glyphosate and are inserted directly into the trunk ensuring an effective kill with no adverse effects on the surrounding environment. Di-Bak G is available in 200 or 1000 capsule bottles for insertion into the Injecta gun.
Di-Bak Parkinsonia Bioherbicide: Developed to control the weed Parkinsonia aculeata. The Di-Bak Parkinsonia capsules contain three native Australian fungi that have been isolated from plants afflicted with a naturally occurring disease known as parkinsonia dieback, which can be lethal to the plant. The formulated capsule is inserted into a hole drilled in the trunk of the tree and sealed within, causing an infection that kills the Parkinsonia naturally. Di-Bak Parkinsonia is available in 200 or 1000 capsule bottles for insertion into the Injecta gun.

Applied within seconds

Safe for waterways

No non target exposure

30% less chemical than
conventional methods
Injecta 400 tutorial
Step by step process on how to use the Injecta 400
How to use the Injecta 400
Cut Stump Method
It Just Got Easier
How to use Di-Bak